Monday, March 15, 2010


So I haven't written in a while because I have been having problems being motivated.  Jake crashed last week.  It was very simple, we went to clean the church and I had an appointment so I had to leave.  During this time, my husband really wanted to get it done, so he let Jake go do jobs away from him so it would get done faster.  Problem?  With normal kids, not really.  Maybe you would get some distraction and slow work.  With Jake it totally freaked him out!  He immediately asked for gloves to work with, was told "no", so he stole some.  Logical, right?  Because he was "allowed" the opportunity to steal and talk to others, be distracted, not stay on task, and be in charge of himself, HE LOST IT!
This is why being Jake's mom is such a bummer.  I can't treat him like a normal 8 year-old.  He is more like a baby, then anything.  Would you leave your infant alone to do jobs at a church?  Would they freak out? Would they crawl into danger?  Jake felt threatened that he had no protection.  He was left to himself (or so he thought) to protect himself and be in charge which made him so afraid that we are still dealing with the fallout a week later.
Jake was basically thrown in the deep end of the pool and told to swim!  He wasn't given any real boundaries and so he felt truly unsafe.  It doesn't make sense as my husband was in the building and checked on him periodically and there was only 3 other adults in the building doing cleaning as well.  Jake just can't handle himself because he can't trust anyone.  He pushes the boundaries in every way, any chance he gets because he doesn't have a sense of security unless he is given strict limits for now.  The goal in all the therapy we are doing is to get him to the point where he has felt safe enough that he can slowly let go of his fear.  Too many people to control, too many ways to sneak or be sneaky, and too many environmental "threats" make Jake go into what we call "fear brain."  He goes into his fight or flight mode.  This is dangerous for him because it's very difficult to get him out of it.  He stays there and is scared, out of control, unreasonable, volatile, angry, destructive, and has no hope of growing or learning.
We create environments which allow him to relax and not be so scared.  We give him a room free of anything too stimulating where he can just calm down and relax.  A room full of toys, clothes, messes or things to destroy is too much for him.  If he is allowed to destroy it puts him into a shame spiral and it keeps him unstable.  If he is allowed to be with people who he can manipulate, (talk to, get stuff from, initiate a conversation, control) then he feels incredibly unsafe.  So we create a place for Jake to live with us where those things are not a problem.  We have had family and others wonder why we don't bring him around for family parties and such, and it's because we pay dearly and so does Jake.  He feels unreasonably scared and it's not fair to Jake for us to put him in that position.  We do it because we love him.
Because honestly this life sucks!  I don't get to do the things I want to.  I don't get to have Jake in school so I have the freedom to go to the store, the gym, have kids take lessons, do sports with Jake, have him enjoy going to Primary at church, and all the things that he has to miss out on for now.  I was in church yesterday and found myself sad at seeing a little girl who got baptized and Jake's old class walk by.  I was mourning the loss of a normal life for me and Jake.  I feel sad when moms talk about baseball sign-ups and soccer teams. I feel sad when I see a family that is at Disneyland or on a vacation. These are things I will not be able to do with Jake.  I still haven't fully come to the realization that this is going to be it for a really long time.  He will be crazy for years, and my life is going to be this way for a very long time.
Just today, Jake is down in his room screeching and yelling because he is just mad.  He can't be with the family in his craziness.  He needs to detox from all the stimulation, plus he knows that he is allowed to be with the family when he is respectful, and fun to be around.  (A rule for all in our family)  He lost it today because I simply asked him to do jobs and he couldn't do it without messing with his brother and sister and I could tell that he was really mad under it all.  So I told him to do jumping jacks ( a technique that helps his mind calm and work so he can feel balanced and normal).  He started trying to control by saying he long sleeve shirt would be too hot.  That is when I knew he was in "fear brain" and I had to take over and take him out of the situation to do some good "detox" in his room.
I know that I can do this, it's just hard day in and day out to have the mental fortitude to combat the constant barrage of testing and nasty behavior.  I also know that I can't do it alone.  I have tried, hard.  I can't do it without my family, friends, and most importantly the Lord.  Jesus Christ has promised to "make weak things strong" if I humble myself before Him and ask in faith for my weakness to become my strength.  I guess that is why this is the most intensive lesson in patience and humility that I could face.  I just have to choose the Lord.  It's that simple.  It's that important.  It's that possible.


  1. Hang in there.. no it doesn't take years before they are manageable. to be completely 100 percent normal maybe...
    (I am not sure even I am yet)
    DON"T project that negative belief. BE optimisitc and celebrate every good moment.. focus on the positives..ignore the negatives..

    You will be able to do all those things with him eventually as he is ready.. and frankly when my "healthy" kids got to do all those things my life started getting too busy and stressful.. so in a way it is a relief to have an "excuse" to live a quieter life with less stimulation and hassle. Sure we haven't been to Disneyland in 15 years but more because of money than anything else. MY boys are ready to do soccer now, and it is hard to believe that over two years ago we wondered if one of ours would make me nuts before I turned 50..and I woudl be committed!
    This too shall pass..
    be consistent, peaceful, loving and stay centered on Christ.. He can heal our kids better than anyone . He will direct you to the answers, the sources, and the people you need to help you and Jake find peace..

    Look at what you can do right now and realize we all have seasons..
    try not to focus on the can'ts , it will only make you miserable..
    there is a season to do all we long for in this life.. and we just have to be patient.. timing is everything... and they do change... and whatever you do, don't guilt your self for anything... it zaps your energy and motivation.. as we say Let go and Let God... You do your best and let God do the rest...
    Learning to be happy with where we are now or what we have , rather than pine and long for what we don't is a hard skill to learn but one that will bring you a great deal of peace when mastered...
    Look for the silver lining and the gift in all these challenges . If you ask to see them, you will , when you clear the emotions that are getting in the way..
    Mine, have been or are becoming ( as I am a work in progress) to become a calm mother who can weather the storms, learning to love unconditionally, handling stress with patience, seeing beyond the behaviors, and acknowledging the special spirit under the cover of "emotional challenges", being able to choose my attitude, and response.. being able to respond in love to any situation.. being able to stay peaceful despite my children's choices. These are all great skills to have. Jake will teach you things about yourself you never knew.. like your personal strength and capability of patience.. He will help you increase your faith in the Savior..
    Why did you choose in the spirit world to have the challenge of Jake ? and why did He choose you to be his mother, and not another?
    thinking of you! Remember red heads are special!

  2. and yes it is ok to grieve what isn't... it is necessary to feel sorrow for shattered dreams..
    but don"t stay there too long or it becomes a pity party... beeen there, done that, and it doesn't help you get up and keep moving forward toward the light

  3. I can always count on my wise and experienced friends to help me in my times of self pity! These are the blessings God gives me, people who have been there, who know intimately my struggles, and who are there for me when I need them. I am eternally grateful for others in my life who help me keep the proper perspective. Hope, Peace, Christ.
