This weekend was interesting. Todd and I almost had breakthroughs with Jake on Sunday. Todd was able to talk with Jake about prayer and Jake's relationship with God. He also tried to help Jake understand that what he can work on is letting Todd and I into his heart, like a door. So after Jake had all the right answers with very little emotion, Todd realized that Jake wasn't ready.
After a blessing that was very precious, Jake went to his room to pray out loud. I (of course) was outside listening. Jake prayed for odd things like his gratitude for chairs and such, but then broke down when he prayed for his baby brother Sam to grow up to be like him. It was very sweet. He then asked Heavenly Father to come or send Jesus or an angel to help him with his problems. I was so blessed to hear this part. I felt so very close to him and knew the spirit was there. After Jake's prayer I went in his room and said, "Hey Jake, Heavenly Father let me know that you need an angel to come and help you." Jake's eyes got really big and he said, "Really?" I then told him how an apostle of the Lord talked about how there are angels in heaven and angels on Earth that are sent to help us. I then said, "Jake, I'm your angel that God sent to help you. I will be here for you now and when you decide to let us in your heart." He looked at me with such searching eyes, I hadn't seen it before from him. Then it was gone. Jake didn't want to go there. I was so close! Almost getting him to feel something.
So Monday he woke up very different. He was controlling, secretive, sneaky, and most of all stinky. Yep, that boy has been peeing out his window into the window well for a while. I mean, port-a-potty stinky!! (This is an indication that we are gaining ground with him. Most kids resort to wetting behavior when they feel it's the last thing they can control) SO, because he has natural consequences for his behavior, he was digging out the gravel in the window well this evening. He shovels it into the bucket and dumps it into the garbage. It's the funniest thing to see him try to figure it all out himself (because RAD kids won't ask for directions, they are the resident expert on all things) with a heavy bucket of stinky gravel. I look forward to see if he tries this kind of thing ever again, (at least we know there is progress, because when he can't get his "hits" of control, then he can learn to relax and trust). Wish us luck!
PS His sudden change in behavior from Sunday bliss to Monday "piss" is his reaction to not wanting to feel real feelings, it scares him too much. It's sad, but that is why it's so critical for us to be so careful with this healing!
Wow! How great is it that you have a glimpse of the WHY of what he is doing. We go through life wondering why why why about so many things. I'm sure there are many unanswered why's to deal with but how cool that you know why he is peeing into the window and why he is pushing you away. What a journey!
I am happy for your progress! I love that you maintain humor even though I'm sure you have shed many tears over it. "Sunday bliss to Monday 'piss'!" Good for you and your family!